Norman Howe

Club historian Rob Mason pays tribute to Norman Howe…

Norman Howe, who passed away last month, was a founder member of the Sunderland Former Players’ Association.

For many years Norman worked for former chairman Sir Tom Cowie, a man he held in high esteem.

Through his contact with Sir Tom, Norman got to know many of Sunderland’s ex-players and managers.

A roll-call of Norman’s contacts included Raich Carter, Len Shackleton, Charlie Hurley, Bob Stokoe, Jim Montgomery, Len Ashurst, Bobby Kerr and many more great names.

It was through Norman that the SFPA came into existence. Norman and Doreen’s son, Marty, had special needs and through Norman’s determination a registered charity, ‘Education and Services for People with Autism’ (ESPA) was established.

It is now a major provider of services and support for children and adults. As this charity was being established Norman utilized his contacts with former players to raise funds for the charity through golf days and dinners. 

Further financial support came from Sir Tom who backed the generosity of spirit his employee admirably demonstrated.

Some of the events Norman organized had a cast list that read like an all-time SAFC Dream Team.

So successful was Norman at bringing people together. that eventually the arrangement became formalised with the Sunderland Former Players’ Association coming into being.

And though Norman was not a former player himself he was recognised as a founder member.

As he aged, when he finally stepped down from the association, Norman’s vital contribution to the SFPA was acknowledged with his appointment as Honorary Vice-President.

Always a kind and jolly companion, Norman knew his football and Sunderland inside out.

A fine man, his legacy is his much-loved football and his huge role in creating both the SFPA and ESPA.

He will be much missed.